Your Body

What To Eat Post Workout

what to eat post workout

After breaking a sweat, it’s important to refuel your body with a post-workout meal. Knowing what to eat after a workout and providing your body with the right nutrition can play a crucial role in helping your body and muscles recover effectively. 


Carry on reading to discover what to eat after a workout and our recommended foods, snacks and sports supplements to boost your fitness results! 


When to Eat After a Workout


To efficiently recover from your workout, we’d recommend eating some nutritious food within an hour of performing any exercise. Although you might not be hungry, eating during this window can help boost any energy lost and enhance your recovery.  

What to Eat After a Workout 


After completing your workout, you’re going to want to incorporate both carbs and proteins into a post-workout meal. This way you’ll replenish your glycogen levels, boost your energy levels and restore your protein to help rebuild your muscles. With that in mind, here are a few post-workout foods to consider introducing into your routine: 

1. Hard Boiled Eggs


Hard boiled eggs are a quick and easy source of protein. They’re also incredibly easy to store and carry to the gym. Our tip is to prepare them before hitting the gym, so that as soon as you get home or finish your home workout, all you need to do is get them out of the fridge. 

2. Rice Cakes


Both low in calories and high in flavour, rice cakes are another popular post-workout food to add into your routine. Fuelled with carbohydrates, you can also combine your rice cakes with a range of other tasty post-workout foods including bananas and yoghurt. 

3. Chicken Breast


Providing you with a high amount of lean protein, tucking into a chicken breast post-workout is a great way to provide your body with the protein you need to protein-synthesise. 

4. Tofu 


If you’re following a vegan diet, a great source of protein to add into your post-workout routine is tofu. It contains no cholesterol, it’s high in protein and low in calories. For the best results, always choose a brand of tofu with added calcium and iron. 

Post-Workout Snacks


Along with the following foods, here are a range of easy post-workout snacks to add into your routine: 


  • Bananas 
  • Almonds  
  • Hummus  
  • Avocado  
  • Greek Yoghurt  
  • Berries  
  • Pecans  
  • Crackers 
  • Cottage Cheese 


We also have a range of Sport Organic Plant-Based Protein Bars that can work as the perfect snack.  


Available in three delicious flavours including Peanut Butter Chocolate Protein Bars, Chocolate Fudge Protein Bars, and Chocolate Mint Protein Bars, these NSF Certified protein bars can provide you with 20g complete multi-sourced plant protein. 


What Supplements to Take Post-Workout?


There’s multiple post-workout foods and snacks for you to tuck into after your workout, as well as a wide range of sports supplements. 


Our Raw Organic Protein Powder is the perfect post-workout supplement and is available in a range of delicious flavours, including Vanilla, Chocolate, Vanilla Chai, and Unflavoured.  


Simply add a scoop to a smoothie, protein shake, or oven bake. 


If you’re looking for inspiration on what to add your protein powder to, take a look at these high-protein recipes here: 


5 Delicious Ways to Cook with Protein Powder


5 Delicious Ways to Cook with Protein Powder

Add more nutrition to your favourite meals with the help of protein powder.

2020-03-03 17:36:32By Garden of Life

Garden of Life

Garden of Life

Writer and expert