Your Health

Do Men and Women Need Different Vitamins?


Do Men and Women Need Different Vitamins?


The right balance of vitamins is essential for a healthy body, but are there any differences between what vitamins women and men should take?


It’s not quite as simple as saying there’s one perfect vitamin for all men and another for every woman. The simple fact is that everyone – irrespective of sex – has their own unique needs. Everyone is exposed to different amounts of sunlight, gets different nutrients from their diet, and has a different gut make-up, meaning they could have insufficient levels of completely different vitamins.


However, there are some issues that typically affect men more than women – and women, in particular, can need extra vitamin support at different times in their lives – not least of all during pregnancy.


What Vitamins Should Everyone Take?


There are some vitamins that everyone needs in order to stay healthy. If you follow a plant-based diet, you might find it harder to get some of these nutrients from your food, which is where vitamin supplements can help. As a good starting point, everyone needs:


  • Vitamin A to support eye and immune system health*
  • Vitamin B12 to keep the blood and nervous system healthy†
  • Vitamin C to help with the function of bones, skin, and teeth‡
  • Vitamin D to regulate calcium levels in the blood, supporting bone health as a result§


Our Organics Vitamin Sprays are 100% organic, vegan and Non-GMO-certified, and they’re a great, easy way to get your daily dose of vitamins. Just a quick spritz into your mouth can increase the amount of each vitamin in your body – keep this up daily, and you should soon notice the effects.



Another great option for those who dislike taking tablets are our multivitamin gummies. One convenient gummy supplement contains a unique blend of essential vitamins and minerals that have been designed specifically for men and women, tailored to meet your specific health needs.


Shop Multivitamin Gummies


There are also some essential minerals that everyone needs to keep their bodies healthy. For example, magnesium supplements can have a wide variety of benefits, including regulating muscle, meaning it could potentially boost your performance when exercising.± Our Whole Food Magnesium Powder makes it easy for you to add extra magnesium to your diet – its benefits include helping to reduce stress and tiredness, and it’s easy to add to shakes.



It’s also important to get enough zinc, as this mineral plays an important role in helping the body to process carbohydrates, protein and fat into energy. Try our Vitamin Code Raw Zinc supplements – which also contain vitamin C – to support the health of your immune system, as well as your skin health.



Vitamins for Men


Find out more about which vitamins men should take…


What Vitamins Should Men Take?


Every guy is different, so the vitamins each man needs will vary. However, there are some issues that tend to affect men more than women, and acid reflux is one of them.


Once Daily Men’s Capsules contain 15 different strains of live bacteria. Taking in a variety of microbiome strains helps to diversify the gut, which can have benefits for the wider immune system.



The gut and the immune system are closely linked – in fact, the majority of a person’s immune system is thought to live in their digestive system, where many antibodies are produced. Explore our full range of microbiome supplements.


Vitamins for Women


Read on to learn more about which vitamins are recommended for women…


What Vitamins Should Women Take?


When it comes to vitamins that are especially important for women, the obvious place to begin is iron. Women who experience particularly heavy periods are at a higher risk of developing iron insufficiency, necessitating the need for iron supplements. Women aged 19 to 50 require 14.8mg of iron per day, so it’s important to ensure you’re getting all you need.


Similarly, women can also stand to benefit from vitamin B12 – especially when pregnant. Since B12 is vital for nervous system and the production of red blood cells, it can play an important role in supporting the development of the foetus during pregnancy.


Like men, women may also choose to take microbiome supplements to support their gut, as well as vaginal, health. It’s believed that microbiomes can help to combat conditions such as yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis.


Our Once Daily Women’s Capsules contain 16 different strains to support vaginal, digestive and immune system health, providing women with support tailored to their specific needs.



Women also need extra support during pregnancy and while breastfeeding to keep their bodies healthy and balanced, and a diverse microbiome can support the health of both mother and baby, and that’s what our Once Daily Prenatal Capsules are designed to provide.



These supplements contain 16 different strains, and are designed to be taken just once a day throughout pregnancy, so they’re easy to slot into an already-busy life.


What Vitamins Should Women Over 50 Take?


Our health needs can change throughout our lives, so you may want to adjust the supplements you’re taking as you get older to reflect this.


Our range includes several supplements tailored specifically to the health needs of women aged 50+, including Raw Microbiomes Women 50+ and Wiser, a food supplement microbiome with vitamin B, which contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity. Meanwhile, our Raw Enzymes Women 50+ and Wiser Capsules are uniquely designed to support the digestive needs of women aged 50 and over.



Shop the full Garden of Life range of women’s supplements and men’s supplements today.


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2020-01-20 14:52:37By Garden of Life


* Vitamin A contributes to the maintenance of normal vision; Vitamin A contributes to the normal function of the immune system


† Vitamin B12 contributes to normal functioning of the nervous system; Vitamin B12 contributes to normal red blood cell formation


‡ Vitamin C contributes to normal collagen formation for the normal function of teeth, skin, and bones


§ Vitamin D contributes to normal blood calcium levels


± Magnesium contributes to normal muscle function

Garden of Life

Garden of Life

Writer and expert