Your Health

What is Biotin Good For

women massaging moisturiser into your face while smiling

You may have heard of it before, but what is biotin good for? Whether you’re looking to boost your hair growth, improve your skin health or simply maintain a balanced diet biotin is definitely worth learning more about.  


What is Biotin? 


Biotin – also known as vitamin B7 – is a water-soluble vitamin that is naturally found in a variety of food. 


It’s one of the B-complex vitamins that is essential for various bodily functions, including assisting with breaking down the food you eat and converting it into the energy your body needs 


Although this essential vitamin is responsible for many things, your body doesn’t naturally produce it, so it’s important to maintain a healthy, balanced diet or use supplement to maintain sufficient levels.  


What is Biotin Good For? 


Along with providing your body with energy, there are also a number of different purported biotin benefits, including: 



What are the Signs of Biotin Deficiency? 


A biotin deficiency is very rare in those who have a balanced diet, as it’s found in so many foods.  


However, if for some reason you’re not getting enough, your body will gradually start to show some telltale signs, such as: 


  • Skin rashes  
  • Hair loss 
  • Brittle nails 
  • Fatigue  
  • Muscle pain 


If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, we’ve provided some of our top tips on ways to maintain your biotin levels. However, if they persist, we recommend consulting your doctor.  


How to Maintain Biotin Levels 


Maintaining adequate biotin levels is important for overall health and wellbeing, but fortunately, it’s relatively easy to do. The recommended daily intake of biotin is 30mcg per day for the average person, with breastfeeding women requiring slightly more. This is equivalent to around three whole cooked eggs.  


What Foods Contain Biotin? 


One of the simplest ways to ensure you’re getting enough biotin is to eat a balanced diet that includes biotin-rich foods such as: 


  • Egg yolks  
  • Legumes  
  • Nuts and seeds  
  • Bananas  
  • Avocados  
  • Spinach 
  • Sweet potatoes 

These foods are incredibly versatile, making them a fantastic addition to any mealtime or a satisfying snack when you’re feeling a bit peckish. Not only do they help curb hunger, but they also play a vital role in maintaining optimal biotin levels. 


What are Biotin Supplements? 


If you’re unable to maintain your levels through your diet, you can also incorporate biotin supplements into your daily routine. 


At Garden of Life, our Collagen Beauty Powder – available in delicious flavours like strawberry lemonade and cranberry pomegranate –   is specifically designed to support the maintenance of your skin and hair thanks to the addition of 2 500mcg of biotin, which is 8333% of your daily value. Simply mix one scoop of your preferred flavour into 170ml of liquid and enjoy! 



For more information on our Collagen Beauty Powder, discover our guide on the blog:  


Garden of Life

Garden of Life

Writer and expert